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No Snooze Branding

No Snooze Branding
Spring 2015

The designers were asked: Who are we? What makes you happy about your current self? If you could change one quality a about your current self what would it be and why? Answer: Getting up on time. That’s what I would change. Never do I ever get up when my alarm sounds – One snooze later? Doubtful. Two snoozes later? Probably not. Third times a charm? Maybe. Four? OK time to get up, Alicia, you’re late.


– Create an imaginary product that could “change a quality about yourself.”
– Research similar companies and how they brand their product.
– Explore ideas (concepts and visuals) for branding your product.
– Develop and present a brand for the product with a logo, colors, language, images and typography.
– Present packaging. – Design and code a responsive website .
– Show brand identity, brand guidelines and process in a book.